Wednesday, September 9, 2015

SANUR BEACH - Beaches in Bali - Backpacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Indonesia is a country of south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand islands. One of the famous island is Bali. So many beautiful tourism places there. June 2015 I had vacation to Bali island. I visited my friend and I stayed there. 

After I rented a motorcycle, in the evening I went to Sanur Beach. The journey was about 20 minutes from the Ngurah Rai airport. After I parked the motorcycle, I walked to the beach. I saw a lot of people there. 

Suddenly I smelt something good. It was the smelt of the sweet corn barbeque. and then I bought one. While eating the corn, I enjoyed watching the beach and the people around. I saw some people playing with small ??? (kayaking). Some tourist with the dogs, some tourists were cycling around, etc.

The video contains the situation and the view of Sanur Beach of Bali Island Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Bali Indonesia

Liburan Juni 2015 saya pergi ke Pulau Bali. Saya bermalam di tempat teman. Kemudian keesokan harinya saya meminjam kendaraan bermotor. Kemudian sore hari saya memutuskan untuk menikmati pemandangan di Pantai Sanur.

Setelah sampai disana, saya membeli jagung bakar, kemudian duduk. Sambil menikmati jagung bakar, saya menikmati pemandangan di sekitar Pantai Sanur.

Video diatas berisi suasana Pantai Sanur Pulau Bali di sore hari. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

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