Tuesday, September 8, 2015

KUTE BEACH - Suasana Pantai Kute Pulau Dewata Bali - Backapacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

I was in vacation to Bali island. I like to go to nature places, specially the beach. There is a famous beach in Blai, it's Kute beach. This beach is only 10 minutes from the Ngurah Rai airport. That day I decided to go to Kute beach.

I rent a mototrcycle for my transportation during the vacation. A long the way to the beach, I saw many tourists around. Many cafes, restaurants, and hotels. I parked the motorcycle in front of The Hardrock cafe.

And the I took a walk to the beach. A lot of people there. Some beach boys offered me to rent The Surf board. But I refused because I just wanted to walk around the beach. Some local people offered to give us massage, etc.

The video contains the situation and the view of Kute Beach Bali island of Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Bali Indonesia

Ketika sedang liburan ke pulau bali, paling suka pergi ketempat wisata alam, terutama pergi ke pantai. Ada pantai yang cukup terkenal di Bali sejak dahulu kala, yaitu Pantai Kute. Pantai ini jaraknya hanya sekitar 10 menit perjalanan dari Bandara ngurah Rai.

Setelah meminjam motor. Saya segera menuju ke Pantai Kute. Dalam perjalanan, saya melihat banyak sekali turis mancanegara di jalan. Banyak kafe, restoran, dan juga hotel. Sesampai di kawasan pantai, saya segera memarkir kendaraan di depan Hardrock Kafe, menurut saya paling aman karena ada pos jaga polisi disana.

Kemudian saya segera masuk ke kawasan pantai kute. Wah banyak sekali manusia disana. Terlihat beberapa orang lokal menawarkan jasa peminjaman papan selancar, jasa pijat, jasa tato, dan jasa kelabang rambut.

Video diatas berisi situasi dan pemandangan dari Pantai Kute Pulau Dewata Bali saat ini. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.


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