Sunday, September 13, 2015

PARASAILING at Tanjung Benoa - Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the most beautiful country in the world. Indonesia has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. There are so many beautiful islands in Indonesia. One of it is Bali island. Bali has a lot of beautiful tourism destinations.

On June 2015, I went to Bali island to visit my friend. The next day, we rode motorcycle to Tanjung Benoa to play water sport there. The journey was about 30 minutes from Ngurah Rai airport. There are some water sport companies in Tanjung Benoa.

After I parked the motorcycle, we came to a water sport company (forgot the name). I was interested to try Parasailing. A lot of people playing Parasailing there. After I paid some money for the ticket, I went to some personnes who would help me to play the Parasailing. About 3 personnes helped me to wear safety jacket. I had to wear gloves with different colours. The colours were the same with somebody who was holding the flags.

The time came, a fast boat pull the robe of the Parasailing, and I flew through the air. Wow AMAZING ..... I flew like a Superman. At the end, Somebody who were holding the flags gave order to pull down the Parasailing robe. And I succedded landing on the ground.

WOW  ...  AMAZING. It was my first time to fly in the air.

The video below contains the situation take of and landing of The Parasailing at Tanjung Benoa Bali Island of Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia

Ketika saya berlibur ke Pulau Dewata Bali bulan Juni lalu, saya ingin melakukan olahraga air di Tanjung Benoa. Saya naik kendaraan bermotor ke Tanjung Benoa. Perjalanan sekitar 30 menit dari bandara Ngurah Rai.

Ada beberapa perusahaan Olah Raga Air disana, tinggal pilih. Setelah memarkir kendaraan saya masuk ke salah satu penyedia olah raga air. Kemudian saya membeli tiket untuk mencoba Olah raga Parasailing.

Sebelum terbang, kita harus memakai pakaian keselamatan seperti orang naik gunung. Kemudian kita harus memakai sarung tangan 2 warna untuk memegang tali Parasailing. Waktunya tiba, kemudian sebuah boat menarik tali Parasailing dan saya terbang ke udara. Setelah berputar saat nya mendarat. Seorang kru dibawah mengibarkan bendera 2 warna. Warna bendera sama dengan sarung tangan kita. Ketika dia mengibarkan bendera tertentu, kita harus menarik kuat-kuat tali Parasailing yang kita pegang dengan sarung tangan warna kita.

Video diatas berisi proses terbang dan mendarat dari Olah Raga Air Parasailing di Tanjung Benoa Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Anggara Sri Wisnu.

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