Monday, September 28, 2015

DONGENG WAYANG KANCIL - The Mouse Deer Storytelling - Animal Shadow Puppet Play - Balai Budaya Minomartani

Indonesia is one of the country in south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. Indonesia has more than 300 cultures. Each culture contains the way of life, language, outfits, music, food, etc. 

The people of Minomartani celebrated the anniversary of the cultural building of Minomartani (Balai Budaya Minomartani). There were several programs of the celebration. One of it was the animal shadow puppet play performance by the puppeteer ki Arjo Supri Mendo Carito.

The stroy was about the tigers which afraid of their own shadow on the pond. The performance used the javanese language. The music used the javanese gamelan ensemble. A lot of people came to watch the show. Because only in Balai Budaya Minomartani people could watch the animal puppet.

The video below contains the Wayang Kancil performance at Balai Buddaya Minomartani Sleman Yogyakarta Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Dalam ulang tahunnya yang ke 25 tahun, Balai budaya minomartani mengadakan pertunjukkan Wayang Kancil. Dalangnya adalah Ki Arjo Supri Mendo carito. Para pemain gamelan adalah warga sekitar dari Balai Budaya Minomartani. Pertunjukkan Wayang Kancil mengambil cerita Harimau Bercermin. 

Video diatas berisi pementasan wayang Kancil di Balai Budaya Minomartani Sleman Yogyakarta. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

SAMBAL TEMPEH OELEK - Sambel Tempe Ulek - Traditional Cuisine of Indonesia - Wisata Kuliner

Indonesia is one of the country in south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. Indonesia has more than 300 cultures. Each culture contains the way of life, language, outfits, music, food, etc. 

After cleaning my room, I felt hungry then I opened the refrigerator. I only found chili, garlic, and tempeh in the refrigerator. I was confused what I had to cook with this things. And then I decided to make Sambal Tempeh oelek. I fried the tempeh first, and the I prepared to make the sambal.

I put chili, salt, and garlic in a Coek (stone plate). And then I broke all the things (ngulek) using the Munthu (stone). After the sambal was ready, I put the tempeh on the the sambal and I broke them (Ngulek) together. After that I took hot rice and I put The sambal Tempeh on the rice. So delicious and yummy.

The video contains how to make Sambal Tempeh Oelek, traditional indonesian food. Hope you enjoy it.

Setelah bersih-bersih kamar, tak terasa rasa lapar menyerang. Kemudian saya lihat kedalam kulkas, dan hanya menemukan cabe, bawang putih, dan tempe. Wah bingung juga mau masak apa ni. akhirnya saya goreng dulu tempenya. Kemudian saya buat sambal bawang dengan komposisi bawang putih, garam, dan cabe. Setelah selesai diulek, kemudian saya tambahkan tempe kemudian saya ulek. Nah jadi deh Sambal Tempe Ulek ala masyarakat jawa.

Video diatas berisi cara membuat Sambel tempe Ulek. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Javanese Script Alphabet - Menulis Aksara Jawa

Indonesia is one of the country in south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. Indonesia has more than 300 cultures. Each culture contains the way of life, language, outfits, music, food, etc. 

When I cleaned up my desk, I found an old book. It was a book in the elementary school. It was Sapala. This book contains the local language, in this case it was about the javanese language. I still remembered about The javanese script alphabets. The alphabets contains:

Ha     Na   Ca    Ra     Ka

Da    Ta     Sa    Wa    La

Pa     Dha   Ja    Ya    Nya

Ma   Ga     Ba   Tha   Nga

After that I took a marker and tried to write The javanese alphabets on a paper. Amazing, I still remembered how to write it all. And I recorded how to write the javanese alphabets.

The video below contains how to write the javanese alphabets. Hope you enjoy it.

Ketika sedang membersihkan meja belajar, saya menemukan buku ketika saya masih Sekolah Dasar, yaitu buku SAPALA. Buku ini berisi mata pelajaran bahasa daerah (bahasa jawa). Salah satu pelajaran favorit sayayaitu menulis aksara jawa. Kemudian saya mengambil spidol dan kertas, kemudian menulis aksara jawa. Dan ternyata saya masih ingat bagaimana menulis aksara jawa setelah sekian tahun

Video diatas berisi bagaimana menulis aksara jawa. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Friday, September 25, 2015

How to Wear The JAVANESE TRADITIONAL OUTFITS - Cara Memakai Pakaian Jawa SURJAN

Indonesia is one of the country in south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. Indonesia has more than 300 cultures. Each culture contains the way of life, language, outfits, music, food, etc.

I visited my friend's house in Yogyakarta Indonesia. He just bought a new traditional javanese outfits. They were saurjan, sarong batik, stagen, sabuk, blangkon, keris, and selop. I asked permission to wear the outfits. And then I recorded how to wear the javanese outfits one by one. It was fun, because It has been long time no wearing the javanese traditional outfits.

The video contains how to wear tha traditional javanese outfits. Hope you enjoy it.

Ketika bermain ketempat teman di kota Yogyakarta, ternyata dia baru saja membeli seperangkat pakaian tradisional Jawa. Kemudian saya meminta ijin untuk mengenakannya. kemudian saya mengambil video cara memakai pakaian jawa tersebut satu per satu.

Video diatas berisi cara memakai pakaian tradisional jawa untuk pria. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

BATIK The Making and The Process - Backpacker to Yogyakarta Indonesia - Proses Membatik

Indonesia is one of the country in south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. Indonesia has more than 300 cultures. Each culture contains the way of life, language, outfits, music, food, etc. 

I came to Yogyakarta by plane. Our flight stopped in Adistjipto international airport. When I was walking to the baggage claim, I saw a woman was doing something. I just realised that she was making Batik. 

She held Canting on her right hand, while her left hand was holding a white sarong. She was dying the white sarong. She put the Canting into a hot liquid which called malam. After that she drew something on the sarong. It was interesting. Because it was my first time to watch the dying process of a Batik.

The video below contains the Process of the Batik at The Adisutjipto International Airport of Yogyakarta Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Ketika saya sedang mengunjungi kota Yogyakarta menggunakan pesawat, kami berhenti di Bandara Adisutjipto. Ketika sedang berjalan menuju ke tempat pengambilan bagasi, saya melihat seorang wanita sedang melakukan proses menggambar Batik. Di tangan kanan dia memegang alat gambar (canting), sedang di tangan kiri memegang kain putih yang hendak digamber. Disampingnya ada sebuah panci kecil yang berisi cairan malam yang dipanasi terus menerus. Sangat menarik sekali, karena ini adalah kali pertama saya melihat proses membatik ini.

Video diatas berisi proses membatik yang berda di Bandara Adisutjipto Yogyakarta. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

ES CENDOL DAWET - Traditional Beverage of Indonesia - Backpacker to Yogyakarta Indonesia - Wisata Kuliner

Backpacker to Yogyakarta Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the country in south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. Indonesia has more than 300 cultures. Each culture contains the way of life, language, outfits, music, food, etc. 

In Java island, there is a delicious traditional beverage which called Cendol Dawet. That day I went to a friend's wedding. In the middle of the way home, I saw some people were buying something. I realised that they were buying Es Cendol Dawet. I stopped my mototrcycle and I bought a glass of Es Cendol Dawet.

Cendol Dawet is a traditional beverage originally comes from Java island. There are 3 things in the beverage. the dawet (made of rice powder), the liquid (made of coconut milk), and the sugar (made of coconut sugar). It taste asweet and delicious. In some variation, some people put other things in Cendol Dawet, such as tape, kolang-kaling, jackfruit, camcao, etc.

Nowdays, The Es Cendol Dawet becomes a common beverage in Indonesia. we can find this beverage anywhere in Indonesia.

The video contains somebody was selling the Es Cendol Dawet. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Yogyakarta Indonesia

Ketika sedang dalam perjalanan pulang dari pernikahan teman, ditengah jalan saya melihat ada penjual es dawet. Karena tertarik kemudian saya berhenti untuk membelinya. Sambil duduk dibawah pohon rindang, menikmati segarnya Es Cendol Dawet di daerah dayakan Klasan Yogyakarta.

Di daerah Yogyakarta sendiri masih banyak pedagang Es Cendol Dawet ini yang menggunakan pikulan.

Video diatas berisi pedagang dawet pikulan dan sedikit reportase mengenai Es Cendol Dawet. semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Dawet ayu, dawet ireng, dawet banjarnegara.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Jalan MALIOBORO - What We Can See in Malioboro - Backpacker to Yogyakarta Indonesia

Backpacker to Yogyakarta Indonesia

Indonesia is a country in south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands, such as Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Bali, Irian Jaya, Java islands, etc. There are more than 300 tribes in indonesia. 

Java island contains 4 area, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Yogyakarta Special region. I spent my vacation in Yogyakarta before. There are a lot of tourism destination there such as Tugu, Kraton, the beaches, temples, etc.

I went to the city of Yogyakarta, it is called Malioboro. Malioboro is the downtown of this province. A long the pedestrian, I saw a lot of people were selling things (handycrafts). Shops everywhere. And al so I saw some traditional transportation here such as Becak (rickshaw) and Horse Cart Ride. Usually after 9 PM all the shops closed, and some people came to sell food a long the Malioboro street.

The video below contains the situation, the view, and also what we can see in Malioboro Yogyakarta Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Yogyakarta Indonesia

Liburan tahun lalu, saya mengunjungi teman di Yogyakarta. Sesampai disana saya diantar berjalan-jalan ke jantung kota yaitu kawasan Malioboro. Banyak pedagang kaki lima di sepanjang jalan. Ada juga transportasi tradisional seperti becak dan kereta kuda (andhong). Biasanya setelah jam 21.00 kawasan pertokoan tutup dan digantikan dengan warung-warung makan lesehan sepanjang jalan Malioboro.

Video diatas berisi situasi dan pemandangan sepanjang jalan malioboro di siang hari. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

ANGKLUNG The Bamboo Musical Instruments - KBRI Abu Dhabi - BAMBOO MUSIC Saung Angklung Udjo

Indonesia is one of the country in south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. Indonesia has more than 300 cultures. Each culture contains the way of life, language, outfits, music, food, etc. 

The Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia in Abu Dhabi (UAE) always holds the Indonesian Night Cultural Performance. That day I went to the event near the Marina Mall. When I came inside the building, somebody gave me Angklung. It was musical instrument made of bamboo. 

On the stage, I saw some bamboo musical instruments. Some people came to the stage and played the instruments. It was awesome. Because the bamboo instruments could make beautifull sound. The group came from Indonesia. It is Saund Udjo.

The video below contains the Bamboo Musical Instruments in traditional music of Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Saya menghadiri acara Malam Indonesia di Uni Arab Emirates tepatnya di Abu Dhabi. Malam itu saya mendapatkan merchandise alat musik angklung dari panitia. Ketika saya masuk kedalam, teranyata diatas panggung sudah ada beberapa alat musik bambu. Setelah acara dibuka, bebrapa orang berpakaian hijau naik ke panggung dan memainkan alat musik bambu tersebut. Sangat indah dan enerjik.

Video diatas berisi pementasan alat musik angklung bambu oleh grup Saung Udjo di Abu Dhabi. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Anggara Sri Wisnu

RAMAYANA BALLET in Uni Arab Emirates - KBRI Abu Dhabi - Javanese Classical Dance

Indonesia is one of the country in south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. Indonesia has more than 300 cultures. Each culture contains the way of life, language, outfits, music, food, etc.

I lived in Abu Dhabi Uni Arab Emirates before. One day, my friend invited me to come with him to the Embassy of Republic of Indonesia to watch Asian Night. Some of the asian country representatives joint the event. Each representative supposed to performed a performance. Indonesia performed The Ramayana Ballet performance.

Final battle between Sri Ram and Ravana. Helped by Laskhman and the white monkey, Hanuman, Sri Ram could defeat Ravana. At the end, Sri Ram asked Sita to jump into the burning fire to proof her purity. Hanuman prepared the fire. Sita jumped into the burning fire but did not get burnt. Finally Sri Ram believed in Sita's purity and took her back to his side.

The Ramayana ballet performed in javanese classical dance.

The video contains the javanese ramayana ballet performance. Hope you enjoy it.

Ketika saya tinggal di Abu Dhabi Uni Arab Emirates, teman saya mengajak saya untuk mengikuti acara Malam Asian di Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Abu Dhabi. Acara diadakan oleh persatuan negara-negara Asia di UAE. Setiap perwakilan negara harus mempersembahkan pertunjukkan kesenian.

Perwakilan dari Indonesia mempertunjukkan pertunjukkan Ramayana Ballet, mengambil kisah API SUCI DEWI SHINTA. Pertunjukkan Ramayana dalam tari klasik jawa. Dipentaskan oleh gabungan staf kedutaan dan  WNI. Hebatnya lagi, para penari dadakan ini bukan penari profesional alias penari dadakan yang memang diajari secara singkat dan cepat untuk menerima materi tari.

Video diatas berisi pertunjukkan Ramayana Ballet di Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Abu DHABI (UAE). Semoga bermanfaat.

PEACOCK DANCE - Tari Merak Sunda - Javanese Classical Dance - KBRI Abu Dhabi

Indonesia is one of several countries in south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. Indonesia has more than 300 cultures. Each culture contains the way of life, outfits, language, music, dance, etc. 

I lived in Uni Arab Emirates before. The Embassy of Republic of Indonesia always holds Indonesian Cultural Performance annually. That day I came to the event near The Marina Mall Abu Dhabi. 

At the lobby, we can have some indonesian traditional food for free. We could see some of the traditional outfits and also some small handycrafts.

There were some traditional dances which were performed on the stage. One of it was The Peacock Dance (Tari Merak). There are several types of Peacock Dance. The one on the stage was The Peacock Dance from west java (sunda). The dancers danced beautifully with so colourfull costume. It was beautiful and awesome.

The video contains The Peacock Dance Performance on The Indonesian Night event of The Indonesian Embassy in Abu Dhabi (UAE). Hope you enjoy it.

Setiap tahun, Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Abu Dhabi (UAE) selalu mengadakan acara Malam Indonesia, dimana kita bisa menemukan berbagai hal yang berbau Indonesia seperti, pakaian trasiional, makanan tradisional, bahkan juga pertunjukkan kesenian tradisional. 

Malam itu saya menghadiri Malam Indonesia di dekat Marina Mall. Pertunjukkan kesenian tradisionalnya sangat bagus dan tertata. Salah satu tari tradisionalnya adalah tari Merak Sunda.

Video diatas berisi pertunjukkan Tari Merak Sunda oleh grup Saung Udjo di Abu Dhabi. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Anggara Sri Wisnu

Sunday, September 13, 2015

GAMELAN in Uni Arab Emirates (UEA) - SUWE ORA JAMU - Javanese Gamelan Orchestra - KBRI Abu Dhabi

Indonesia is one of a country in south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. It has more than 300 tribes, means it has more than 300 cultures, including music, dance, traditional outfits, language, etc.

Gamelan is a musical instruments which made of metal. Some tribes in Indonesia has gamelan such as Bali, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Java, etc.

The gamelan from Java, considere as an orchestra. There are some different instruments in javanese gamelan, but we play the gamelan together as a harmony. In javanese gamelan, there are kendang (drum), saron, demung, peking, bonang, gender, slenthem, gambang, rebab, gong, kenong, kethuk, suling, kecer.

In United Arab Emirates, we can find Javanese Gamelan instruments in The Embassy of Republic of Indonesia in Abu Dhabi. There are 2 tones, Pelog and Slendro. The embassy always holds The event Indonesian night annually. Usually teh people of Indonesia who live there will play the gamelan in the event.

That night, I played javanese gamelan with some friends there. We played The Song SUWE ORA JAMU. All the players, most of them are indonesian women who lived there. It was awesome, we could play the javanese gamelan in other country. Missed Indonesia so much.

The video below contains the javanese gamelan concert in Abu Dhabi. Hope you enjoy it.

Gamelan di Uni Arab Emirates (UAE) Abu Dhabi

Perkumpulan warga negara indonesia (wni) di Uni Emirat Arab, memainkan gamelan jawa di Abu Dhabi dalam acara Malam indonesia. Gamelan yang digunakan adalah gamelan milik Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Abu Dhabi. Lagu yang dimainkan adalah SUWE ORA JAMU. Pemain gamelan adalah perkumpulan ibu-ibu WNI dibantu dengan staf lokal dari kedutaan.

Video diatas berisi konser gamelan dalam acara Malam Indonesia di abu Dhabi. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Anggara Sri Wisnu

PARASAILING at Tanjung Benoa - Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the most beautiful country in the world. Indonesia has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. There are so many beautiful islands in Indonesia. One of it is Bali island. Bali has a lot of beautiful tourism destinations.

On June 2015, I went to Bali island to visit my friend. The next day, we rode motorcycle to Tanjung Benoa to play water sport there. The journey was about 30 minutes from Ngurah Rai airport. There are some water sport companies in Tanjung Benoa.

After I parked the motorcycle, we came to a water sport company (forgot the name). I was interested to try Parasailing. A lot of people playing Parasailing there. After I paid some money for the ticket, I went to some personnes who would help me to play the Parasailing. About 3 personnes helped me to wear safety jacket. I had to wear gloves with different colours. The colours were the same with somebody who was holding the flags.

The time came, a fast boat pull the robe of the Parasailing, and I flew through the air. Wow AMAZING ..... I flew like a Superman. At the end, Somebody who were holding the flags gave order to pull down the Parasailing robe. And I succedded landing on the ground.

WOW  ...  AMAZING. It was my first time to fly in the air.

The video below contains the situation take of and landing of The Parasailing at Tanjung Benoa Bali Island of Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia

Ketika saya berlibur ke Pulau Dewata Bali bulan Juni lalu, saya ingin melakukan olahraga air di Tanjung Benoa. Saya naik kendaraan bermotor ke Tanjung Benoa. Perjalanan sekitar 30 menit dari bandara Ngurah Rai.

Ada beberapa perusahaan Olah Raga Air disana, tinggal pilih. Setelah memarkir kendaraan saya masuk ke salah satu penyedia olah raga air. Kemudian saya membeli tiket untuk mencoba Olah raga Parasailing.

Sebelum terbang, kita harus memakai pakaian keselamatan seperti orang naik gunung. Kemudian kita harus memakai sarung tangan 2 warna untuk memegang tali Parasailing. Waktunya tiba, kemudian sebuah boat menarik tali Parasailing dan saya terbang ke udara. Setelah berputar saat nya mendarat. Seorang kru dibawah mengibarkan bendera 2 warna. Warna bendera sama dengan sarung tangan kita. Ketika dia mengibarkan bendera tertentu, kita harus menarik kuat-kuat tali Parasailing yang kita pegang dengan sarung tangan warna kita.

Video diatas berisi proses terbang dan mendarat dari Olah Raga Air Parasailing di Tanjung Benoa Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Anggara Sri Wisnu.

Friday, September 11, 2015

BALI TOL MANDARA - Toll Road Above The Sea - Backpacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Indonesia is a country in south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. One of it is Bali island. So many tourism places there, including heritage and nature. Bali becomes one of the most tourism destination in Indonesia

June 2015, I was in Bali island for vacation. I have heard about Toll Road Above The Sea in Bali. My friend told me that the toll road connected 3 area (Nusa Dua, Ngurah Rai, and Benoa). After we got out from Ngurah Rai airport, just go straight a head until we found the big Roundabout. The Toll Road on the second left turn from The Roundabout. There are two ways, the way for the 4 wheel vehicules and the way for motorcycle.

It was awesome I rode the motorcycle on the toll road. Beacuse in Indonesia there are only 2 Toll Road above the sea. One in Bali, and the other is in east java (Suramadu Bridge).

The video contains the situation and also the view of the Mandara Toll Road of Bali Island Indonesia from the motorcycle. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia

Bulan Juni 2015 saya pergi ke Pulau Bali. Saya sudah sering kali mendengar jalan tol diatas laut yang ada di Bali. Sore itu saya dan teman saya mengendarai motor untuk menikmati sensasi dan suasana dari Jalan Tol tersebut. Jalan Tol Mandara ini dibuat untuk menghubungak 3 daerah sekaligus, yaitu Nusa Dua, Ngurah Rai, dan Benoa. Di Indonesia saat ini baru ada 2 Jalan Tol diatas laut. Yang pertama Tol Bali Mandara dan satunya lagi adalah Jembatan Suramadu di Jawa Timur.

Video diatas berisi situasi dan pemandangan dari Jalan Tol Mandara Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia. semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Amazing WATER BLOW - Backpacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

A friend from other country asked me where was the location of Bali and Indonesia. And I told him that Bali is in Indonesia. He was still confuse, because all he knew was only Bali not Indonesia. After that I tried to explain about Bali and Indonesia.

Indonesia is one of the south east asia country. It has more than 22 thousand big and small islands. One of it is Bali island. There are so many tourism destination in Bali island. For me, I like to go to nature places.

On June 2015, I went to Bali for vacation. I heard about the amazing Water Blow in Nusa Dua. After I rented a motorcycle, I went to Nusa Dua to see the Water Blow. The journey was about 20 minutes from Ngurah Rai Airport.

After I got there I parked the motorcycle, and walked to the Water Blow. While walking I passed some cafes, a garden, also a playground. I walked about 10 minutes to the Water Blow. When I got there I just realised what Water Blow was.

There are so many coral rocks which has some gaps of them. When the big wave came to the gaps of the coral, the water will blow to the air. Amazing.

The video below contains the situation and the view of The Water Blow at Nusa Dua Bali Island of Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia

Seorang teman dari Luar Negeri pernah bertanya kepada saya, dimana itu Bali? Saya bilang Bali itu ada di Negara Indonesia. Kemudian dia semakin bingung, karena selama ini yang dia tahu bahwa Bali itu adalah sebuah negara dan Indonesia itu adalah sesuatu yang tidak ada. Kemudian perlahan-lahan saya berusaha menjelaskan mengenai keberadaan Indonesia dan Pulau Bali. Akhirnya dia mulai mau mengerti.

Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang ada di Asia Tenggara. Indonesia memiliki sekitar 22 ribu pulau besar dan kecil. Bali adalah salah satu pulau yang ada di Indonesia. Ada banyak sekali tempat tujuan wisata yang ada di Pulau Bali.

Juni 2015 lalu saya bepergian ke Pulau Bali. Pada sore hari saya ingin pergi ke Water Blow yang ada di daerah Nusa Dua. Perjalanan sekitar 20 menit dari Bandara Ngurah Rai. Setelah parkir kendaraan kemudian saya berjalan kaki sekitar 10 menit menuju Water Blow.

Video diats berisi situasi dan pemandangan dari Water Blow yang ada di Nusa Dua Pulau Bali Indonesia. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

FLOATING RESTAURANT - Resto Apung Kintamani - Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Indonesia is a one of the favourite destination country in sout east asia. Indonesia contains more tahn 22 thousand big and small islands. One of famous island is Bali island. There are so many tourism places there.

June 2015, I was in Bali for vacation. That day I rode motorcycle to Kintamani. It took about 3 hours from The Ngurah Rai Airport. After I got there, i would like to have lunch at the Floating Restaurant (Resto Apung). When you got in Kintamani, we have to go down heading to the Batur Lake.

After I parked the motorcycle, I went in to the floating restaurant. The place was nice. There 2 places we could eat. Indoor or outdoor. That day I chose to have lunch indoor. After I ordered the food I went out from the restaurant to the lobby. The floating restaurant is on the Lake Batur. I found out that the restaurant stood on the plastic vats. So the restaurant will not sink.

Unfortunately that day was foggy, so I could not see all the view of its neighbourhood. Maybe next time.

The video contains the situation and the view of the Floating Restaurant at Kintamani of Bali island Indonesia. Hoepe you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia

Bagi teman-teman sedang berlibur ke Pulau Dewata Bali dan ingin merasakan sensasi makan sambil digoyang ombak, ada solusinya. Ada tempat yang namanya Resto Apung. Tempatnya lumayan jauh, yaitu di Kintamani. Perjalanan dari sekitar 3 jam dari Bandara Ngurah Rai menuju ke Kintamani.

Setelah sampai daerah Kintamani, kita harus menuruni bukit menuju ke Danau Batur. Nah Resto Apung ada di atas Danau Batur.

Video diatas berisi situasi dan pemandangan sekitar Resto Pung di Kintmani Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

ISTANA TAMAN JEPUN - The Kingdom of Frangipani Plumeria - Backpacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the south east asia country. It contains more than 22 thousand islands. There are so many tourism places there with beautiful nature and view. One of the famous island is Bali island. A lot of people come to Bali island.

Last June 2015 I went there for vacation. It's been my 4th time in Bali. When I took picture of frangipani in front of the hotel, suddenly a man who worked for the hotel told me that there was a place with a lot of kind of frangipani. The place called Istana Taman Jepun. Located in Denpasar.

In the evening I rode motorcycle to that place. I took the Sanur Street. After Sanur crossroad I turned left and went straight a head. The journey was about 30 minutes from The Ngurah Rai airport. After I parked the motorcycle, I came to the ticket box and paid some money.

When I steepped in to its garden I saw some swans swimming in the pond. There was a ship replica in the pond. After that I walked around the garden. So many beautifull frangipanis that I had never seen before. Frangipani with single colour, double colours, even with three colours. So beautiful.

In this place, we could find also kafe and small restaurant. Sometimes people rented this place to have a garden party.

The video contains the situation and the view of The Kingdom of Frangipani Plumeria in Bali island of Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia

Bagi teman-teman yang suka sekali dengan keindahan Bunga Kamboja, teman-teman harus mengunjungi Istana Taman Jepun di Denpasar. Tempo hari saya lewat jalan raya Sanur. Setelah perempatan Sanur kemudaian saya belok kiri lurus. Setelah ada pertigaan kemudian belok kanan. Nah disekitar daerah itu, tepatnya di kanan jalan, teman-teman akan menemukan Istana Taman Jepun.

Video diatas berisi situasi dan pemandangan yang ada di Istana Taman Jepun Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

cara menanam bunga kamboja, okulasi, stek, denpasar, merawat, bonsai, adenium, kamboja jepang, tanaman hias, kamboja hitam, black frangipani, black plumeria, garden, flower, tree, sekar jepun, gardening, bunga kamboja langka, wisnu studio, wisata, tourism, indonesia.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

PANDAWA BEACH - Beautiful White Sand Beaches of Bali Island - Backapacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

When we come to south asia, there is a beautiful country that we should come. It is Indonesia. It has more than 22 thousand islands. There are so many tourism places we can go. One of the best island of it is Bali island.

On my vacation June 2015, I went to Bali island. In Bali island, I rented a motorcycle. It's the best transportation to go anywhere. After I read from Google, there was beautiful beach near the hotel where I stayed. It is said that the beach was new. It is Pandawa Beach. And then I decided to go there.

The Pandawa beach was really beautiful. With beautiful white sand and clear water. We can find cafes and souvenir shops.

I decided to stay there till the sunset.

The video below contains situation and the view of Pandawa beach of Bali island Indonesia from the above and also from the beach. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Bali Indonesia

Banyak sekali wisata pantai yang ada di Pulau Dewata Bali. salah satunya adalah Pantai Pandawa. Dikatakan bahwa Pantai ini baru saja ditemukan. Jadi belum banyak fasilitas yang dibuat. Jadi belum banyak orang datang. 

Mengapa disebut Pantai Pandawa? Karena di seberang jalan ada 5 patung raksasa tokoh Pandawa di cerita Mahabarata.

Video diatas berisi situasi dan pemandangan Pantai Pandawa Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

SANUR BEACH - Beaches in Bali - Backpacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Indonesia is a country of south east asia. It has more than 22 thousand islands. One of the famous island is Bali. So many beautiful tourism places there. June 2015 I had vacation to Bali island. I visited my friend and I stayed there. 

After I rented a motorcycle, in the evening I went to Sanur Beach. The journey was about 20 minutes from the Ngurah Rai airport. After I parked the motorcycle, I walked to the beach. I saw a lot of people there. 

Suddenly I smelt something good. It was the smelt of the sweet corn barbeque. and then I bought one. While eating the corn, I enjoyed watching the beach and the people around. I saw some people playing with small ??? (kayaking). Some tourist with the dogs, some tourists were cycling around, etc.

The video contains the situation and the view of Sanur Beach of Bali Island Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Bali Indonesia

Liburan Juni 2015 saya pergi ke Pulau Bali. Saya bermalam di tempat teman. Kemudian keesokan harinya saya meminjam kendaraan bermotor. Kemudian sore hari saya memutuskan untuk menikmati pemandangan di Pantai Sanur.

Setelah sampai disana, saya membeli jagung bakar, kemudian duduk. Sambil menikmati jagung bakar, saya menikmati pemandangan di sekitar Pantai Sanur.

Video diatas berisi suasana Pantai Sanur Pulau Bali di sore hari. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

BLUE POINT - Best Place for Surfing in Bali Island - Backpacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Indonesia is a country in south east asia. It has 5 big islands and more than 17.000 small islands. There are so many tourism destination there. Of of the famous island is Bali island. There are so many interesting places that we can visit.

On my vacation last July 2015, I spent the time in Bali island. I stayed in my friend's house. I like to go nature place. My friend suggested me to go to Blue Point, the place that I have never been there before.

In the morning,, after I rented a motorcycle, I rode it to Blue Point. Blue Point is the same way to Uluwatu. Along the way, I saw a lot of people rideng their mototrcycle with the surf board. And I said, ok they have the same destination with me.

After I got there, I parked the motorcycle. I saw a lot of motorcycles in the parking area. I walked around there. I saw so many cafes, handycraft shops, and surfing shops. And I stopped to a cafe with the best view over the beach.

Down there, I saw some people surfed on the big waves of the beach. And then I took video of their action playing with the waves.

The video below contains the profesional surfer playing with the waves of Blue Point Bali island of Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Bali Indonesia

Liburan ke Pulau Bali Juni lalu saya tinggal di rumah teman saya. Kemudian saya bertanya ke teman saya tempat yang belum pernah saya kunjungi. Blue Point. Itu merupakan kawasan pantai yang ada di daerah Uluwatu.

Keesokan hari saya menuju ke Blue Point mengendarai motor. Banyak turis bermotor di jalan sambil membawa papan selancar. Setelah sampai di Blue Point, saya segera berjalan-jalan disana. Banyak sekali kafe, toko suvenir, dan toko papan selancar. Kemudian saya berhenti di salah satu Kafe dan melihat kebawah, beberapa orang sedang berselancar. Kemudian saya video aksi mereka

Video diatas berisi aksi peselancar profesional yang ada di Blue Point Pulau Bali Indonesia. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

YEH PANAS Sigaran - Hot Natural Spring Water - Pemandian Mata Air Panas Tabanan PUlau Bali - Backpacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Bali island is one of the tourism destination in Indonesia. There are so many beautiful tourism places there. Last year I went there for vacation. I like to go to natural places. I heard about natural hot spring water in Bali. I asked my friend, that there are some spring water in Bali. One of it is The Yeh Panas Sigaran, in Tabanan distric.

That day, I decided to go Yeh Panas by motorcycle. The journey was about 2 hours from Ngurah rai Airport. The place was so nice and beautiful. After I parked the motorcycle, I came to the ticket box. There are 2 kinds of The hot Spring water places. The private one and the public one. The private one cost more expensive than the public one. And I decided to take the private one.

The water was hot, and there is a superstition over there. The hot spring water there can heal some disease.

The video below contains the situation and the view of  The Natural Hot Spring Water Sigaran of Bali Island Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backapacker ke Bali Indonesia

Pulau dewata Bali merupakan salah satu pulau tujuan wisata di Indonesia. Ada berbaagai tempat wisata yang bisa kita kunjungi disana. Tahun lalu saya bepergian ke Pulau Bali untuk liburan. saya sangat suka sekali pergi ke tempat-tempat yang berbau alam. Saya pernah mendengar mengenai Mata Air Panas (Yeh Panas) di Sigaran Kecamatan Tabanan.

Keesokan harinya, saya menuju ke daerah Tabanan menggunakan kendaraan bermotor. Waktu yang diperlukan sekitar 2 jam perjalanan dari bandara Ngurah Rai. Sekitar tempat itu sangatlah indah. Banyak sekali pepohonan hijau dengan udaranya yang sejuk.

Setelah sampai di Mata Air Panas Sigaran, saya segera memarkir kendaraan. Kemudian saya menuju ke Tiket Box. Ternyata ada 2 jenis tempat mata air disana. Tempat khusus (private) atau yang umum (public). Saya memutuskan untuk mengambil tempat yang khusus (private).

Setelah masuk kedalam air, ternyata airnya lumayan panas. Ada kepercayaan bahwa Air panas pemandian ini bisa menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit.

Video diatas berisi situasi dan pemandangan yang bisa kita lihat di Pemandian air Panas Sigaran Tabanan Pulau Dewata Bali. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.


SUNRISE Over SANUR BEACH - Suasana Matahari Terbit Pantai Sanur Pulau Dewata Bali - Backpacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

When I was in vacation in Bali island, my friend told me to watch beautiful sunrise in Bali. There are some places where we can watch the sunrise. One of it, is Sanur Beach.

In the morning about 5 AM, I rode my motorcycle to Sanur beach. It took about 20 minutes from The Ngurah Rai airport. After I got there, I parked my mototrcycle, and walked to the beach. There were some people there waiting for the sunrise.

I sat on the rocks near the beach. I saw some photographers waiting to take the picture of the sunrise. About 6 AM finally the sun arose from the east. And then I recorded the beauty of the Sunrise over The Sanur Beach.

The video contains the situation and the view of the Sunrise over The Sanur beach of Bali island Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Bali Indonesia

Ketika saya berlibur ke Pulau Dewata Bali, teman saya menyarankan untuk menikmati pemandangan Matahari Terbit disana. Ada beberapa tempat dimana kita bisa melihat pemandangan Matahari Terbit. Salah satu tempat itu adalah Pantai Sanur.

Sekitar jam 5 pagi, saya mengendarai motor ke Pantai Sanur. erjalanan sekitar 20 menit dari bandara Ngurah Rai. Setelah memarkir kendaraan, saya segera berjalan menuju pantai. Disana sudah ada beberapa orang yang tengah menunggu Matahari Terbit.

Saya memutuskan untuk duduk diatas batu yang ada di bibir pantai. Saya melihat ada beberapa fotografer tengah menyiapkan kamera mereka. Sekitar jam 6 pagi, akhirnya matahari mulai muncul di ufuk timur. Kemudian saya segera menyiapkan kamera untuk mengambil video dari suasana Matahari Terbit tersebut.

Video dibawah berisi situasi dan pemandangan dari Matahari Terbit di Pantai Sanur Pulau Dewata Bali Indonesia. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.


SUKAWATI ART MARKET - Pasar Seni Sukawati Pulau Dewata Bali - Backpacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

I had vacation last June 2014 to Bali island of Indonesia. I took direct flight from Yogyakarta to Ngurah rai International airport of Bali. I decided to stay in my friend's house. I just remember that I had to buy some souvenirs for my friends back home.

The next day, after I rented a motorcycle, I went to Sukawati. The journey was about 1 hour by mototrcycle from the airport. In. Sukawati, there is a famous traditional art market. There are 2 Sukawati Art Markets. I went to the old one.

After I parked the mototrcycle, I walked to the market. So many people were selling handycrafts, souvenirs, paintings, statues, outfits, etc. In this place we can buy any kind of handycrafts or souvenirs with cheap price, and we still can bargain, fantastic.

The video contains the situation and what we can see in The Sukawati art Market of Bali Island Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Bali Indonesia

Juni 2014 saya bepergian ke Pulau Bali. Saya mengambil penerbangan langsung dari Yogyakarta menuju Bandara Internasional Ngurah Rai. Kemudian saya memutuskan untuk tinggal dirumah salah satu teman saya. Kemudian saya teringat bahwa saya harus membeli beberapa barang pesanan dari teman-teman saya dirumah.

Keesokan harinya, saya menyewa motor, dan mengendarainya menuju Pasar Seni Sukawati. Perjalanan sekitar 1 jam dari Bandara Ngurah Rai. Karena antusiasme masyarakat berbelanja yang banyak, akhirnya pemerintah daerah membuat Pasar Seni Sukawati Baru. Jadi saat ini ada 2 Pasar Seni Sukawati. Dan saya memutuskan untuk menuju ke Pasar Sukawati yang lama.

Setelah memarkir kendaraan, saya segera memasuki lingkungan pasar. Banyak sekali para penjual handicraft, suvenir, lukisan, dan patung disini. Ditempat ini harganya memang relatif lebih murah daripada ditempat lain, dan lagi ternyata kita msih bisa menawar harganya.

Video diatas berisi situasi dan pemandangan yang bisa kita lihat di Pasar seni Sukawati Pulau Bali Indonesia. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.


KUTE BEACH - Suasana Pantai Kute Pulau Dewata Bali - Backapacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

I was in vacation to Bali island. I like to go to nature places, specially the beach. There is a famous beach in Blai, it's Kute beach. This beach is only 10 minutes from the Ngurah Rai airport. That day I decided to go to Kute beach.

I rent a mototrcycle for my transportation during the vacation. A long the way to the beach, I saw many tourists around. Many cafes, restaurants, and hotels. I parked the motorcycle in front of The Hardrock cafe.

And the I took a walk to the beach. A lot of people there. Some beach boys offered me to rent The Surf board. But I refused because I just wanted to walk around the beach. Some local people offered to give us massage, etc.

The video contains the situation and the view of Kute Beach Bali island of Indonesia. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Bali Indonesia

Ketika sedang liburan ke pulau bali, paling suka pergi ketempat wisata alam, terutama pergi ke pantai. Ada pantai yang cukup terkenal di Bali sejak dahulu kala, yaitu Pantai Kute. Pantai ini jaraknya hanya sekitar 10 menit perjalanan dari Bandara ngurah Rai.

Setelah meminjam motor. Saya segera menuju ke Pantai Kute. Dalam perjalanan, saya melihat banyak sekali turis mancanegara di jalan. Banyak kafe, restoran, dan juga hotel. Sesampai di kawasan pantai, saya segera memarkir kendaraan di depan Hardrock Kafe, menurut saya paling aman karena ada pos jaga polisi disana.

Kemudian saya segera masuk ke kawasan pantai kute. Wah banyak sekali manusia disana. Terlihat beberapa orang lokal menawarkan jasa peminjaman papan selancar, jasa pijat, jasa tato, dan jasa kelabang rambut.

Video diatas berisi situasi dan pemandangan dari Pantai Kute Pulau Dewata Bali saat ini. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.


PANDAWA BEACH - Suasana Pantai Pandawa Pulau Dewata Bali - Backapacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

My friend and I were in vacation to Bali island. So many tourism places there. I like to visit nature places. There are so many beaches in Bali. I heard from my frind in Bali that there's a new beach discovered in south Kute. It is Pandawa beach. That day we decided to go there.

By motorcycle, it's about 25 minutes ride from the airport. About 100 meters before the beach, we could see about 5 big statues of Pandawa Warrior. Pandawa is 5 brothers of The story Mahabarata in the Hindhu story. 

There're 2 ways to get to the beach. The main gate was on the right ( Bus parking area), and the other gate was the left. We took the left gate. After parking the bike, we walked around the beach. 
The beach has soft white sand. The water was clear and clean. There are some cafes there.

The video below contains the situation and the view of The Pandawa beach of Bali island. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Bali Indonesia

Saya sedang liburan di Pulau Bali. Demikian banyak tempat wisata yang bisa kita kunjungi di Pulau Bali. Saya paling suka mengunjungi tempat wisata alam. Dari rekomendasi seorang teman, di Bali baru saja ditemukan Pantai baru yang terletak di daerah Kute selatan. Namanya adalah Pantai Pandawa.

Setelah menyewa kendaraan bermotor, saya menuju Pantai Pandawa. Perjalanan sekitar 25 menit dari airport Ngurah Rai. Kira-kira 100 meter sebelum pantai, ada patung besar Pandawa 5. Tokoh satria yang ada di cerita Mahabarata. 

Ada 2 pintu menuju Pantai. Pintu utama kita harus belok kanan, biasanya ini untuk tempat parkir Bis wisata. Pintu kedua ada di sebelah kiri. Kami memutuskan untuk menuju pintu kedua. Setelah memarkir kendaraan kami segera berjalan menuju pantai.

Pantai Pandawa ini begitu indah, dengan pasir putihnya yang lembut. Air lautnya yang terlihat bersih berwarna putih. Dan tidak lupa di tempat ini juga ada beberapa Kafe, jadi tidak perlu takut jika kita lapar dan haus.

Video diatas berisi situasi dan pemandangan Pantai Pandawa di Pulau Bali. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.


Monday, September 7, 2015

PURA ULUN DANU BERATAN - Floating Sacred Temple - Pura Diatas Air - Backapacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Bali island is one of the famous tourism places in Indonesia. There are so many tourism places in Bali. Most of the Balinese people are Hindhu Dharma. They always pray in Pura (sacred temple). There are some famous Puras in Bali. One of it is Pura Ulun Danu Beratan.

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan, or Pura Bratan, is a major Shivaite and water temple on Bali, Indonesia. The temple complex is located on the shores of Lake Bratan in the mountains near Bedugul. Water temples serve the entire region in the outflow area; downstream there are many smaller water temples that are specific to each irrigation association (subak).

Built in 1663, this temple is used for offerings ceremony to the Balinese water, lake and river goddess Dewi Danu, due to the importance of Lake Bratan as a main source of irrigation in central Bali. The 11 stories of pelinggih meru dedicated for Shiva and his consort Parvathi. Buddha statue also present inside this temple.

Lake Bratan is known as the Lake of Holy Mountain due to the fertility of this area. Located 1200 m above sea level, it has a cold tropical climate.

I was so lucky, because when I was there, some people were doing the sacred ritual. So I could record their activity.

If we would like to go to Lovina Beach to see Dolphins, we gonna pass this place. So we can come by to visit Pura Ulun Danu Beratan.

The video below contains the situation and the view of The Pura Ulun Danu Beratan. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Bali Indonesia

Pulau Bali merupakan salah satu pulau terkenal di Indonesia. Banyak selakali tempat wisata yang bisa kita jumpai disana. Kebanyakan dari masyarakat Bali menganut kepercayaan Hindhu Dharma. Mereka berdoa di Pura. Ada beberapa Pura yang cukup terkenal di Pulau Bali, salah satunya adalah Pura Ulun Danu Beratan.

Pura ini terletak di daerah Tabanan. Pura ini ada di dekat dengan Danau Bedugul. Pura ini sangat unik, karena Pura ini didirikan dipinggir Danau. Jika debit air sedang meningkat, sebagian dari pondasi Pura akan tergenang air. Jadi sepintas lalu, terlihat kalau Pura ini mengambang diatas air.

Di tempat ini juga terdapat Taman Bunga serta tempat penangkaran Burung langka.

Jika kita akan mengunjungi Pantai Lovina untuk melihat Ikan Lumba-lumba di Singaraja, kita pasti akan melewati tempat ini. Jadi kita bisa mampir sebentar untuk mengunjungi tempat ini.

Video diatas berisi suasana dan pemandangan yang ada di Pura Ulun Danu Beratan Pulau Bali. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

DOLPHINS at LOVINA BEACH - Lumba Lumba Pantai Lovina - Backpacker to Bali Island Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Bali island is one of the famous island in Indonesia. So many tourism places that we can visit there. That day, I heard from my friend about Lovina beach. In that place we can see wild dolphins swimming around the beach.

Another day, my friend and I decided to go to Lovina beach to see the wild dolphins. The Lovina beach took place in Singaraja, about 4 hours from Kute (airport). We rent a car to go there. After we got there we checked in to a small hotel. After that we walked around the beach. Suddenly a person came to us and offered to take us to see the Dolphins in the morning, but we refused the offer.

In the morning, about 6 AM we came to the beach and a person offered us to take us to see the dolphins. After we agreed with the price, he took us to his boat. Finally the boat sailed.

In the middle of the beach, some boats had been there. After few minutes, some dolphins swam in front of the boat. All the boats run after The Dolphins.

The video below contains the situation of chasing the dolphins in The Lovina Beach. Hope you enjoy it.

Backapacker ke Pulau Bali Indonesia

Pulau dewata bali merupakan salah satu pulau yang terkenal di Indonesia. Demikian banyak tempat wisata yang bisa kita kunjungi di Pulau Bali. Hari itu saya mendapat informasi mengenai Pantai Lovina. Di tempat itu kita bisa melihat ikan lumba-lumba liar berenang.

Di hari lain, akhirnya kami pergi ke Pantai Lovina. Pantai Lovina ini berada di daerah Singaraja. Lama perjalanan dari daerah Kute Bali ke Pantai Lovina sekitar 4 jam. Setelah meminjam mobil (rental), kami menuju ke Singaraja. Kemudian kami menginap di hotel sekitar Pantai Lovina. 

Setelah memasukkan barang, kami kemudian berjalan-jalan disekitar pantai. Tiba-tiba seseorang menghampiri kami dan menawarkan jasa untuk mengantar kami melihat Ikan Lumba-lumba di pagi hari. Tetapi karena tidak sesuai dengan harga, kami menolaknya.

Kemudian di pagi hari sekitar jam 6 pagi, kami kembali menuju pantai. Ternyata sudah tidak ada orang di pantai, mereka semua telah berangkat menuju pantai pagi-pagi sekali. Untunglah ada seorang nelayan yang mau mengantar kami ke pantai. Akhirnya kami bisa naik kapal dan berlayar ke tengah laut.

Sesampai di tengah laut, sudah banyak kapal yang disana menunggu Ikan Lumba-lumba. Tak beberapa lama, akhirnya serombongan Lumba-lumba lewat. Kemudian semua kapal segera mengejar ke arah larinya Ikan Lumba-lumba.

Video diatas berisi situasi pengejaran Ikan Lumba-lumba di Pantai Lovina Singaraja Bali. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

TRADITIONAL VILLAGE of Bali Island - Desa Wisata BALI AGE Penglipuran Bangli - Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

Backpacker to Bali Island of Indonesia

One of the famous island in Indonesia is Bali island. There are so many tourism places that we can visit there. One of the most unique place in Bali is Traditional Bali Village Penglipuran Bangli. In this place, we can see the pure Balinese people and their way of life. In this place, all its people is The original Bali people (pure blood). In this place, the member of the village can only marry with the people from this village. They keep the pure blood of the original Balinese people. They are called The Bali Age (Bali Ge)

When we visit Kintamani, we will pass this place. Other unique thing in this place, we can see the original architecture of the buildings. 

When we come to the village, on the gate, we can borrow the Balinese Traditional outfits, (give donation), after that we can take a walk and enjoy the situation and the view of this place.

The video above contains the situation and the view of The Traditional Village Penglipuran Bangli of Bali island. Hope you enjoy it.

Backpacker ke Pulau Dewata bali Indonesia

Salah satu Pulau yang terkenal di Indonesia adalah Pulau Dewata Bali. Banyak sekali tempat wisata yang bisa dikunjungi disini, baik dari wisata religi, wisata kuliner, wisata alam, dan lain-lain. Ada sebuah tempat yang sangat unik di Pulau Bali, dimana semua manusia dan cara kehidupannya masih menggunakan cara lama. Tempat itu adalah Desa Wisata Penglipuran Bangli. Ditempat ini semua manusia yang ada merupakan keturunan Bali asli yang belum ada percampuran darah dengan orang-orang dari luar Pulau Bali, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah Bali Age (Bali Ge).

Ketika kita hendak menuju ke Kintamani, kita akan melewati Desa Wisata Penglipuran Bangli ini. Hal yang unik lagi adalah semua ornamen dan arsitek dari bentuk bangunan di tempat ini masih menggunakan arsitek Bali jaman dulu.

Ketika memasuki tempat ini, kita bisa menyewa pakaian tradisional Bali di gerbang masuk tempat ini. Kemudian kita bisa berjalan-jalan di desa ini sambil menikmati suasana Desa asli Bali jaman dulu.

Video diatas berisi situasi dan pemandangan di Desa Wisata Penglipuran Bangli. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.